Event Category: Operations Research Seminar Series

  • We used RL but….. Did it work?!

    We used RL but….. Did it work?!

    5/13/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Susan Murphy Professor Harvard Abstract: In digital health there is much interest in using reinforcement learning (RL) to personalize sequences of intervention decisions to each user. These sequential decision making problems involve decisions concerning whether to deliver an intervention and if so what kind of…

  • Too Many Meetings? Scheduling Rules for Team Coordination

    Too Many Meetings? Scheduling Rules for Team Coordination

    5/6/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Guillaume Roels Professor INSEAD Abstract: Workers in knowledge-intensive industries often complain of having too many meetings, but organizations still give little thought to deciding when or how often to meet. In this paper, we investigate the efficiency and robustness of various coordination scheduling rules. We…

  • Causal Effects and Counterfactuals: A Machine Learning Approach

    Causal Effects and Counterfactuals: A Machine Learning Approach

    4/15/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Mihaela van der Schaar Professor University of Cambridge Abstract: TBD Bio: Mihaela van der Schaar is the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute in London, and a Chancellor’s…

  • The Second-Price Knapsack Problem: Near-Optimal Real Time Bidding in Internet Advertisement

    The Second-Price Knapsack Problem: Near-Optimal Real Time Bidding in Internet Advertisement

    4/8/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Jonathan Amar & Nicholas Renegar Winners of the ORC Best Student Paper Competition MIT Abstract: In many online advertisement (ad) exchanges ad slots are each sold via a separate second- price auction. This work considers the bidder’s problem of maximizing the value of ads they…

  • Convexification of Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Indicator Variables

    Convexification of Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Indicator Variables

    3/18/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Andres Gomez Assistant Professor USC Abstract: Indicator variables arise pervasively in optimization problems to enforce logical constraints. For example, in machine learning, indicator variables are used when imposing sparsity, which in turn leads to interpretable statistical models with improved out-of-sample performance. In finance, indicator variables…

  • Adaptive Estimation from Indirect Observations

    Adaptive Estimation from Indirect Observations

    3/11/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Anatoli Juditsky Professor University of Grenoble Abstract: We consider the problem of minimax and adaptive estimation of a signal assumed to belong to the union of convex sets. We show that the minimax risk in this problem (when measured in some norm or semi-norm) is…

  • Halting Time is Predictable for Large Models: A Universality Property and Average-case Analysis

    Halting Time is Predictable for Large Models: A Universality Property and Average-case Analysis

    2/25/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Courtney Paquette Assistant Professor McGill University Abstract: In this talk, I will present a framework for performing average-case analysis in the large dimensional regime. Average-case analysis computes the complexity of an algorithm averaged over all possible inputs. Compared to worst-case analysis, it is more representative…

  • Bounds and Heuristics for Multi-Product Single Factor Pricing vs. Optimal Personalized Pricing

    Bounds and Heuristics for Multi-Product Single Factor Pricing vs. Optimal Personalized Pricing

    2/18/21 | 4:15pm | Online only         Guillermo Gallego Professor Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Abstract: We present bounds and heuristics for personalized, multi-product pricing problems. Under mild conditions we show that the best price in the direction of a positive vector results in profits that are guaranteed to be…

  • Algorithm-Assisted Decision Making in Child Welfare

    Algorithm-Assisted Decision Making in Child Welfare

    11/5/20 | 4:15pm | Online only         Alex Chouldechova Assistant Professor Carnegie Mellon Abstract: Every year there are more than 4 million referrals made to child protection agencies across the US. The practice of screening calls is left to each jurisdiction to follow local practices and policies, potentially leading to large variation…

  • Online Assortment Optimization for Two-sided Matching Platforms

    Online Assortment Optimization for Two-sided Matching Platforms

    10/22/20 | 4:15pm | Online only         Daniela Saban Assistant Professor Stanford Abstract: Motivated by online labor markets, we consider the online assortment optimization problem faced by a two-sided matching platform that hosts a set of suppliers waiting to match with a customer. Arriving customers are shown an assortment of suppliers, and…