1/25/22 | 10:00am-4:00pm | Online
Sustainability and Climate Change
Description: Operations Research is a powerful area for applications involving energy process design, waste minimization, climate change mitigation, scarce resources management, and other problems related to creating more sustainable and environmentally responsible operations. In this seminar, we will engage with a wide range of researchers and practitioners tackling these and other topics via data science, optimization, and other contemporary OR methods.
Date: Tuesday, January 25th
Place: Online (via Zoom) https://mit.zoom.us/j/97136654081
Talk 1 – 10:00am-11:00am
Andy Sun
Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor in Electric Power Systems and Associate Professor in Operations Research and Statistics, MIT
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Electric Power System Operations and Planning in Transition to a Net-Zero Emissions System
Bio |
Andy Sun is Associate Professor in Operations Research and Statistics in the Sloan School of Management and holds the inaugural Iberdrola-Avangrid Professorship in Electric Power Systems. Dr. Sun is interested in building new bridges between the theory of optimization under uncertainty, distributed optimization, convexification of nonconvex structures, and control of dynamical systems, and in developing fundamental understanding and new analytical tools for renewable energy integration, power grid optimization, and stability and resiliency of interconnected energy systems and transportation systems. Before joining MIT, Dr. Sun is an associate professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering in Georgia Tech. He obtained his PhD degree in Operations Research from MIT. |
Talk 2 – 11:00am-12:00pm
Sara Beery
PhD Candidate in Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Caltech
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Computer Vision for Global-Scale Biodiversity Monitoring
Bio |
Sara Beery is a final-year PhD Candidate in Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech, advised by Pietro Perona. She has always loved the natural world and has seen a growing need for technology-based approaches to conservation and sustainability challenges. Her research focuses on building computer vision methods that enable efficient, accessible, and equitable global-scale biodiversity monitoring. She was honored to be awarded both the PIMCO Data Science Fellowship and the Amazon AI4Science Fellowship, which recognize senior graduate students that have had a remarkable impact in machine learning and data science, and in their application to fields beyond computer science. Her work is funded in part by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and the Caltech Resnick Sustainability Institute. She seeks to break down knowledge barriers between fields: she founded the successful AI for Conservation slack community (with over 650 members), and she is the founding director of the Caltech Summer School on Computer Vision Methods for Ecology. She works closely with Microsoft AI for Earth, Google Research, and Wildlife Insights where she helps turn her research into usable tools for the ecological community. Sara’s experiences as a professional ballerina, a nontraditional student, and a queer woman have taught her the value of unique and diverse perspectives, both inside and outside of the research community. She is passionate about increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM through mentorship, teaching, and outreach. |
Talk 3 – 1:30-2:30pm
Y. Karen Zheng
George M. Bunker Professor and Associate Professor of Operations Management, MIT
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Improving Farmers’ Welfare via Digital Agricultural Platforms
Bio |
Y. Karen Zheng is the George M. Bunker Professor and an Associate Professor of Operations Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Karen’s research studies operations and supply chain management problems with a behavior-centric, data-driven, field-based approach. Her recent research examines the design and impact of digital platforms to enable efficient physical supply chains in resource constrained environments. Karen collaborates with both public and private partners on the ground to ensure that her research leads to positive impacts in practice. Karen’s research is recognized by various awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, the Management Science Best Paper Award in Operations Management, the MSOM Responsible Research Award, and the INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Award. Karen received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tsinghua University, and her PhD from Stanford University. |
Talk 4 – 3:00-4:00pm
David Rolnik
Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science, McGill University
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Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Bio |
David Rolnick is an Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science at McGill University and at Mila Quebec AI Institute. He is a Co-founder and Chair of Climate Change AI and serves as Scientific Co-director of Sustainability in the Digital Age. Dr. Rolnick is a former NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, and Fulbright Scholar, and was named to the MIT Technology Review’s 2021 list of “35 Innovators Under 35”. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from MIT. |
Panel – 4:00-5:00pm
Sustainability and Climate Change Panel
Please submit any questions you would be interested in seeing the panelists discuss during the Q&A portion of the panel via this Google Form.
Joann de Zegher
Maurice F. Strong Career Development Professor and Assistant Professor of Operations Management, MIT
Bio |
Joann de Zegher is the Maurice F. Strong Career Development Professor and an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Her research examines the design of technologies and processes to address supply chain challenges in developing and emerging markets, by combining methods from large-scale field work, optimization, econometrics, and action research. Her work with smallholder supply chains in Indonesia has recently won the Tropical Forest Commodities Challenge organized by the World Economic Forum and was recognized as a top innovation by the World Bank. Joann has a PhD in Earth Systems Analysis and Operations Management from Stanford University. |
David Rolnik
Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science, McGill University
Bio |
David Rolnick is an Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair in the School of Computer Science at McGill University and at Mila Quebec AI Institute. He is a Co-founder and Chair of Climate Change AI and serves as Scientific Co-director of Sustainability in the Digital Age. Dr. Rolnick is a former NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, and Fulbright Scholar, and was named to the MIT Technology Review’s 2021 list of “35 Innovators Under 35”. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from MIT. |
Andy Sun
Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor in Electric Power Systems and Associate Professor in Operations Research and Statistics, MIT
Bio |
Andy Sun is Associate Professor in Operations Research and Statistics in the Sloan School of Management and holds the inaugural Iberdrola-Avangrid Professorship in Electric Power Systems. Dr. Sun is interested in building new bridges between the theory of optimization under uncertainty, distributed optimization, convexification of nonconvex structures, and control of dynamical systems, and in developing fundamental understanding and new analytical tools for renewable energy integration, power grid optimization, and stability and resiliency of interconnected energy systems and transportation systems. Before joining MIT, Dr. Sun is an associate professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering in Georgia Tech. He obtained his PhD degree in Operations Research from MIT. |
Y. Karen Zheng
George M. Bunker Professor and Associate Professor of Operations Management, MIT
Bio |
Y. Karen Zheng is the George M. Bunker Professor and an Associate Professor of Operations Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Karen’s research studies operations and supply chain management problems with a behavior-centric, data-driven, field-based approach. Her recent research examines the design and impact of digital platforms to enable efficient physical supply chains in resource constrained environments. Karen collaborates with both public and private partners on the ground to ensure that her research leads to positive impacts in practice. Karen’s research is recognized by various awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, the Management Science Best Paper Award in Operations Management, the MSOM Responsible Research Award, and the INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Award. Karen received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tsinghua University, and her PhD from Stanford University. |
If you have any questions, please contact us via email: orc_iapcoordinators@mit.edu.